Saturday, 13 April 2019

Three or Five years. The Gambian Dilemma

Religion is a contract between man and God. Conscience is a contract between man and himself. Politics is a contract between the governed and their proxies (politicians). The terms and conditions of our political contracts are guided by political manifestos (statement of intent). These statements  of intent must always be in conformity with our national document (constitution).

The brouhaha about 3 and 5 years is slowly becoming an insult to the Gambian polity. When the parties and non political interlucutor met to map out a strategy to boot the brutal brute and Butcher of Kanilai they were disingenuous about their tactical and strategic positions. They in a nut shell sold us an agenda that was not politically feasible nor constitutionally congruent with our electoral cycle. Yes a promise is a comfort to a fool and these political operatives took Gambians for a ride by proffering solutions that was neither tenable nor logical.

I have since the inception of this coalition stated without reservation that what brought these politicians together was smaller than what can keep them together for the duration of the coalition period. Jammeh was the only common denominator they shared. The tag alongs or shall I say the free riders (political operatives without equity/capital) gained significantly at the expense of those that invested with blood and sweat. The diversity of the political agendas and motives exhibited the cracks on this alliance I affectionately dubbed the "Unholy Alluance". Hence the reason it withered and fizzled.

On the issue of 3 and 5 years, we Gambians must be realistic for two good reasons;
1. Our constitution supersedes any arrangement entered by the political class and the sanctity of our constitution must not only be protected but preserved.

2. The Gambia hasn't conducted a voter registration drive in years. This implies that if the 3 year period were to be respected, we can't have an election in the shortest possible time and if we are to conduct a voter registration drive it will take 9 to 16 months and that will be be close to the 5 years we are bickering about.

Gambians must be vigilant going forward and be mindful that in life no one gets what they deserve but what they negotiate. God bless the Gambia and all her diverse peoples.