Thursday, 15 January 2015

France a dichotomy between ideology and emotions

Milton Freidman once said that “there is nothing like a free lunch” and this statement is tried and tested. Equally the notion of free speech is over rated.  Freedom of speech is a universal right but with rights comes responsibilities and one’s freedom of speech ends where it impinges on the rights of others.  The Charlie Hebdo farce is hate masquerading in the guise of free expression. The laissez faire attitude of the French State regarding the notion of free speech perpetuated the hate and malaise that busted out in violence reminiscent of the show down at the OK kraal. Respect and tolerance are prerequisites to freedom of expression and freedom of speech encourages a market place of ideas where dissenting views are not only tolerated but espoused. We must say no to violence but yes to tolerance and diversity. The global hypocrisy shrouded around Charlie must stop. Our actions must be consistent with thought for the congruency of our moral position.

There are underlining issues that triggered the outburst of Charlie and it is a transnational European Problem from Copenhagen to Paris. The systematic abuse and entrenchment of the blasphemous publication regarding Prophet Muhammad PBUH and the degradation of the socioeconomic conditions of minority groups in Europe especially Muslim youths (Arabs and Africans alike) spurn this enigma out of control. The Government of Hollande and prior French administrations have no one to blame but themselves for the vitriolic venom dished out by the press and public opinion leaders such as Jean Marie Le pen. The far right has for quite a while hid under the guise of free speech to promote a nationalist agenda that will marginalize minority groups. Prophecy has been fulfilled as Malcolm X would have rightly stated “the chicken has come home to roost”. 

Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy of blessed memory once said that “few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events”, and going forward, Europe especially France should open up and rectify the mess they created by marginalizing immigrant populations within France. The youths who were involved in this malaise were not only driven by religion but by despair and discontentment of the establishment. Leadership should not be ad hoc or reactionary and the global response to Charlie showcased the moral deficiency and decadence suffered by our esteemed global leaders. The world idly stand by whilst innocent people are being murdered in Nigeria, Chad, Mali, Palestine and other hot spots around the world. 2015 should be a year of reflection and detour for the global order and powers that be. Social reform should top the reform agenda because peace is not just the absence of war and this world has become a hot bed of anarchy, intolerance and despair. The prisoners dilemma is the best depiction of the world today.

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