Social media as a platform has best practice and etiquette that we need to abide by to meaningfully harness the benefits therein. Charting a way forward starts with self respect and value for what others bring to the table. Though small, the Gambia boast of a complex population with a litany of issues that are difficult to resolve. I now believe that Gambians are a difficult lot to govern because everybody wants to be a don without a constituent. What a sad narrative to depict our current predicament. Those in the know are relegated to obscurity and the briefcase professionals/practitioners have not only taken over but railroaded the narrative to the boondocks. It is not elitist to question who directs the narrative but we need to screen and sequester the narrative in order to have a productive discourse. The recent outburst being perpetrated by fools with microphones and keyboards is a wanton disregard for decency and human dignity. Self expression is a fundamental right that need to be safeguarded but equally, all rights do come with responsibilities and it is therefore incumbent on us to not only self regulate but behave in a manner consistent with civilized people. If what I see on social media represents the next generation of Gambians, then I can conclude without hesitation we have not only written our obituary but also we have hit the nail on the coffin. Our behavior is utter disgust and shameful to say the least. So lets reflect and look inward for a deep soul searching and our reason d'etre as civilized Gambians.
The venom being spewed on social media shows the in-congruence that Gambians are suffering from in 2015. Our plethora of issues are all anchored on our social misgivings and transforming the Gambian psyche starts with reorienting the minds and hearts of our people. The Gambian renaissance will not take root unless and until the Gambian heart is purged. I am not a trained sociologist but I know for a fact that most Gambians suffer from a social deficit I call "inferiority complex" and this not only allow them to self destruct but also pull people along their trajectory of doom. Self made perceptions of others are like a mirage in the desert that is elusive and most of the time none existent. We need to purge hate and self entitlement from our hearts and minds for us to be socially progressive. The dog eat dog and pull him down syndrome only creates missed opportunities for the collective good. Once again, I will unequivocally state without hesitation that the Gambian ailment is underpin by self hate and jealousy which is perpetrated by the social deficit inherent in our societal dynamics. We don't have anything good to say about each other talk less of having the will to celebrate the best and the brightest amongst our lot. This is a sad fact but a tangible Gambian reality that is sinking the Gambian boat
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