Thursday, 1 October 2015

Reparations For Slavery - The Moral Move For The Closure Of The Wounds of Slavery

The African has been mentally and emotionally conditioned to down play the effects and significance of slavery in our lives. The idea of Trans Atlantic reparations has been floated around for over a century and 40 acres and a mule was promised to freed slaves in the USA and repatriation was also offered to our brothers and sisters in the Caribbean. Africans for the longest have sidelined the idea of reparations as it has never been palatable for our former colonials. Proceeds of slavery and slave labor built the west as we know it today. The intricate rail networks and the cities are the result of free labor. The word "free" is loosely used in this essay because the African slaves never received a dime for their sweat and tears in the new world. Slavery robbed the African of his dignity, displaced him and hitherto lead to the under development of the African continent. The cost of Slavery to Africa has both real cost and opportunity the cost. Therefore the formula for financial reparations have to be in-depth and inclusive of what the African could have engaged in hadn't  it been that his development trajectory has been interrupted by the Europeans.

Slavery as we knew it then was sanctioned by the European states with a blessing from the church (Pope). The endorsement of this horrendous act by both church and state empowers the African to demand from the European governments what is rightfully owed to them. The issue of slavery has somehow been at a mute point since the emancipation proclamation was announced. Life went on for the African and her descendants in the new world without a clear cut closure regarding the horrendous atrocities of the Europeans. Personally, I am of the view that reparations for slavery is a moral and legitimate request by African nations and the descendants of Africans living in the diaspora. The Jews have been duly compensated by the Germans for wrongful imprisonment and forced labor. Reparations starts with a solemn declaration of atonement by the European Union and the Government of the United States of America.  Sovereign Debt cancellation by Paris Club lenders is a way forward for starters and we have historic precedence regarding debt cancellation in the form of HIPC I  (Highly Indebted Poor Countries) and HIPC II initiatives. This will help free up fiscal resources that would have otherwise been used to pay of debt to be mobilized in priority areas such as health, agriculture and education. The reparation initiative has to be brought forward as a collective class action by the African Union on behalf of member states who were gravely affected by slavery. Furthermore, there exist historical facts detailing the complicity of corporate titans in facilitation of the slave trade. These corporations should and must be brought to book to pay for their willful participation on the horrendous enterprise of human abduction and trading. The Jews have been going after companies including banks that were complicit in the holocaust so why can't we do the same? 

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