Tuesday, 14 February 2017

The Horrors Of Banjul -Mile 2 Central Prison

Yahya Jammeh was not the institution of Government but a wicked process driver that orchestrated a viscious system that dehumanised the citizens of this beautiful nation but the blame can't be squarely piled on him. The collective responsibility must be shouldered by all that one way or another had a role in the administration and execution of public functions in some of our deplorable correctional facilities such as Mile 2 Central Prison. Gambians collectively enabled the despot to usurp our rights. The inaction of many amongst our midst brought us to this unfortunate crossroads that spelt our longest nightmare that lasted for 23 years.

Fixing this archaic nightmare comes with complexities and sensitivities that needs thorough apportionment of blame and responsibility whilst shifting away the nuances and distortions. No short cut to national reconciliation. The veil of national security must be lifted without reservation as none of the atrocities committed were done in the interest of the state. The likes of #YankubaBadjie and his henchmen must be brought to book without compassion or mercy for they have transgressed against a peace loving people. Mile 2 Prison is a shame to our collective conscience  and I urge the authorities Ba Tambadou Mai Ahmad Fatty #PresidentBarrow that those gates of hell must be opened and set the captive free. The prisoners in those dungeons of hell have suffered enough to let them walk away to preserve their dignity. Shame on #OusmanSonko #DavidColley and all that ran those heinous dungeons that are not fit for human habitation.

The Mile 2 prison must be preserved in its current state for future generations to see how a zealous, callous and morally irreprehensible derelict like the #ButcherOfKanilai abrogated the rights of people who elected him in office. Yahya Jammeh may you rot in hell for you have no place in modern Gambia and may your ilk be tried for their callous atrocities against the people of the Gambia. I am now convinced that this maggot of a human being called Dictator Jammeh was a deprived and traumatised child hence his indifference and ingratitude to the beautiful people of this country. My sincere apologies on behalf of all peace loving Gambians to all who were legally or illegally incarcerated in those hell holes for no human being must be treated with scorn. Prison under normal circumstances must be a correctional facility not a place to dehumanised our brothers and sisters. The prison was within our proximity but it was world's away from us. Today is a sad day and the government of the day must commence proceedings to demand for the arrest and prosecution of the maggot who robbed our collective conscience and innocence.


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