Thursday, 2 March 2017

What's The Fuss About A United Front For The Parliamentary Elections?

Politics is the second oldest profession apart from prostitution. It is also a game of vested interest that only yeild positive results based on consensus building. The trending political discourse on the position of the coalition's approach regarding the national assembly election is  pertinent. The formidable coalition forged to oust Despot Jammeh was designed and anchored on a shaky ground from inception. What brought these political operatives together (Jammeh) was stronger than any interest that will keep them together. Therefore the recent developments unfolding must not be a suprise to any political observer who is conversant with Gambian politics.

For starters, the principals that bankrolled the coalition have been at each others throat for almost two decades and this polarised their thought processes and consequently, their decisions are not in conformity with rational thinking but rather political preservation. My views about the eminent separation of the entity we called the "coalition" is a welcomed move in the preservation of party politics and political plurality in the Gambia. A coalition led National Assembly will be short lived as the nuances surrounding their divergent interests will drown the public's desire for a common unity of purpose.

Politics is also underpinned on the principle of equity and he who is with equity can come to the table. This upcoming National Assembly election  will certainly distinguish the boys from the men and this in my humble opinion is a better way to drive the legislative agenda. The flip side of the aforementioned proposition is to have a strong showing by the GDC/APRC outfit. This arrangement if successful will render the Barrow administration ungovernable. A lot is at stake but political evolution is a process and the ball has been set in motion with a view of a favourable outcome. Politics is an intricate fabric that is woven out of a yarn that has vested interest as it's core input. Nonetheless, a day in politics is a long way so lets wait and see but all hopes are dashed with regards to a unified force

Seek and you shall find. Atleast that is what's inscribed at the entrance of the Pyramid of Kufu on the Gizeh Plateau and as a student of knowledge who loves to  withdraw from the vast and infinite knowledge expanse around us I want to be enlightened about the pros and cons of coalescing for the National Assembly Election. Politics is a sleazy enterprise that changes the goal post periodically. This implies that the the old adage Caveat Emptor (buyer beware) applies. Political interlocutors will always be around and they may come in different forms so lets not worry bout who Barrow will work with post National Assembly elections. The relationship is symbiotic therefore it is a mutually beneficial relationship between legislators and the executive.

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