Sunday, 3 March 2019

Gambia A Case Of Poor Social Disconnect

The development of our dearly beloved Gambia will forever stall unless and  until we address the underlying social nuances that impede our development. Using Gambian social media circles as a yardstick of our behavioral traits clearly shows a country that is not at peace with itself and lacks a cohesive and homogeneous identity as Gambians.

Having stated the above, we have deep undercurrents of distrust, prejudice and social deficits that plague our collective progress as Gambians. This malaise is borne out of a poor social contract which is an extension of the colonial legacy of divide and rule. Behavioral traits are very important in the manner in which people think and ultimately behave. Gambians across all socioeconomic and ethnic divide suffer from one form f prejudice or inferiority syndrome. Living in 2019 and Gambians being a highly traveled and exposed group of people baffles me that we haven't adopted to the good things we learned from others over the years. Oftentimes, I feel like throwing in the towel and move on with all things #NYANGNJIE  but then again I am  microcosm of the bigger scheme of things. Therefore I have to relent by being part of the solution. The herd mentality and crab in a barrel syndrome is really retarding our collective resolve to build a better Gambia. Where have we gone wrong? Well in my view, Gambia is yet to address the social anomalies inherited from its colonial past and this in my view make  a lot of people harbor ill conceived and misplaced hatred towards each other. Art thou forsaken us or we just dont want to up our game to be a great nation in the neighborhood we find ourselves in.

The dog eat dog mentality will finish us sooner than we think. We bicker, we hate, we despise and most of the time without a justifiable reason. I am worried about my generation and the Gambia we want to pass on to the next one. There is advantage in our diversity and we need to harness that in furtherance of a better Gambia. Most of the people who  lash out on others have never come to a close proximity with their perceived nemesis. Thanks to the virtual space of social media, the lives of others have come closer to us than ever before. Hate the idea or issues raised by an individual not the individual for the individual is not your problem. My guide to life, the Dissiderata proclaimed that "we should not compare to others for we will always be vain and bitter". I implore on Government to create a better social contract to avert the notion of us and them cos we are all in the same boat called the Gambia and our collective resolve is what's going to make Gambia a better place.

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