Monday, 2 September 2019


Political Disruptor in lay man's sense is the change of the political narrative with a deliberate intent to change social order and harmony. To many Jammeh was an ordinary soldier with humble intellectual acumen. What Jammeh lacked in academic accomplishments he over compensated it with guts and craftsmanship albeit destructive.

The death of an instrumental pillar in the formation of our nation state in the person of David Kwesi Jawara later known as Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara has raised thought provoking questions about the comparison of our two post independence leaders ( Jawara/Jammeh). It will be a disservice to compare the two for their points of departure are varied hence the dichotomy between Jawara and the enigmatic Jammeh whose poor social orientation led to his disruptive political ideology/message.

Sir Dawda attempted to unify the nation by deliberately changing the Protectorate Peoples Party to Peoples Progressive Party. This was a deliberate attempt by  the young statesman Dawda Jawara to bring social cohesion and harmony at a time the country needed such. On the contrary, the disruptive Jammeh came up with a sociopolitical narrative that was symbolic of (us versus them). This political philosophy energized a good portion of the Gambian polity whose economic and social fortunes where dismal to say the least. To reinforce the disruptive agenda, he killed the civic education that will make the citizenry galvanize towards man's brotherhood as ascribed by our national anthem.

The University of the Gambia being a supposed center of academic excellence must design a class to deconstruct the mythical and samaritan nature associated with the bandit Jammeh. Jammeh deliberately cultivated a Gambian particularly among the youth folk who believed in cultism and hero worship. Nothing can be wrong with his actions and deliberate deceptive practices in their eyes. Many amongst the Jammehyites will say he is the father of modern Gambia with regards to education, infrastructure and economic development at large. Well I respectfully disagree with such a proposition because the inefficient cost associated with such a development both financially and human toll is not worth the outcomes his disciples preach. He left us with a divisive nation that lacks social cohesion and sense of nationhood. The disruptive nature of his political ideology is wreaking havoc in our attempt to go through a transitional program because the country lacks a national #BUY_IN both at the political level and the governed.

The leadership of the country must understand that that the word #Transition is a temporal arrangement that must usher in normalcy after the execution of the set deliverables (New Constitution, strengthening public institutions, reparations etc.). Therefore, the issue of incumbency is not only a #Faux_Pas but a non starter in transitional governments. Having stated the above, the sitting President must reconsider his stance of a second successive term if the transition means something to him. He can return to active politics post 2021 and that will be the most honorable contribution he would have contributed towards the normalization of our budding democracy and nation state we want to rebuild. President Madabio of Sierra Leone did that in the interest of his nation. Equally, the population in the interest of unity of purpose and the creation of National ideals that will cement our #GAMBIANNESS must look beyond the (us and them) syndrome that has been reinforced by Jammeh. Yes Gambia president Jawara had a poor social contract that needs fixing but not at the expense of our national unity.

To deconstruct the political legacy/ideology introduced by Jammeh, the government must have a deliberate policy to fix the political miseducation of the Gambian. We are a nation of diverse peoples with a unity of purpose to foster peace and man's brotherhood.  Sait Matty Jaw and the political wizardry at our halls of academia must assist government to socially deconstruct Jammehism if we want a socially cohesive Gambia going forward. Such a discourse must be devoid of emotional sentiments and socioethnic narratives. Jammeh was never good for Gambia and that must first and foremost be accepted by all. Equally it's never too late for him to seek forgiveness to the citizenry because to err is human and his tirades and social disobedience and disregard to our national interests was due to a poor social contract that embodied his upbringing. No love lost for the young soldier who politically disrupted a nation by skewing our trajectory to prosperity and national cohesion. God bless the Gambia and all her diverse peoples. One Gambia, One People, one destiny. Out of many, we are one under God for the Gambia is our homeland and her resurrection must be our utmost priority



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