Thursday, 7 September 2017

Letter to His Excellency President Adama Barrow

Dear Government of the Gambia under the stewardship of His Excellency Alhaji Adama Barrow,

We the concerned people of the Republic of the Gambia have keenly watched the birth of the #NewGambia. Kindly note that our observations are are neither criticisms of your administration nor intended to harangue you. Gambians have excercised patience with your administration hoping that the ball will be set in motion for the transformation needed to build the new Gambia. Civil Service Reform is a sine qua non in the rebuilding of our dear nation. The Jammeh administration assisted in the degradation of our civil service and  I  will opine without prejudice that the current Secretary General lack the knowithall to spearhead the requisite change needed to usher in a functional public administration machinery. I therefore implore in your good office to revisit his employment as SG for the interest of the nation we all love. Gambia is not a social experiment that rely on trial and error for its progress. The civil service is marked by incompetence, apathy and lack of direction. These malaise need to be urgently addressed. The security sector needs re-education/reorientation and this excercise must be commissioned immediately.
Gambians expect a lot from this administration and rightly so. The legal and institutional reforms can't be underscored. Investments especially foreign direct investments are the cornerstone of any meaningful development plan and to date we haven't seen any serious investment advocate/champion in the forefront of our development strides. Mr President, I want to remind you without ill will that the toolkit that ushered in freedom will not surely be the same that will usher in economic prosperity. Therefore, your government must be cognizant of the skill set that will usher prosperity and employ people with that skill set to bring about meaningful change to the people of this great country. I am sure you are not aware of the fact that your cabinet is not equipped with an economist. This in my view is a great misnomer as Gambia is classified as a third world nation with great ambitions to transform the livelihood of the citizenry. This cannot happen without great economic plans, modelling and execution of programmes. I therefore urge your good office to reconsider having an economic mind at the nerve centre of the economy (Ministry of Finance). Equally, trade and employment are key drivers of our economy and these sectors need specialists at the driver's seat not freedom fighters. Gambia is yearning for real change and real change is blind to tribal affiliation, patronage, cronyism and politics. On the issue of the appointment of a vice president, I am of the view that it is your prerogative to choose as you see fit but you have to be decisive in action. Gambia can't afford to wait whilst you cosy up with your decision. Urgent action is required. The cars that were donated to our MPs was not in line with what our budding democracy expects from your leadership. We want to and we have a right to know where those vehicles came from. Secondly it is not prudent to have such a fleet injected in our fiscal dispensation with sound financial planning. Government needs visibility in resource mobilisation and disbursement. I fault you for keeping us in the dark. As per the ravaging floods that plagued the town of Kuntaur, I do hope that the government has learned and comprehend the definition of #RAPID_RESPONSE. In disaster management, time is neither a luxury nor a cushion.

Your Excellency, in consideration of the aforementioned mentioned issues, I do hope you will act and act expeditiously in the best interest of the state as duty and honour to country are sacrosanct virtues of patriotism. Gambia is not a cake that should be shared amongst power players and pushers of yester years. Gambia is sober but thirsty for much needed impetus for reform and prosperity. You emerging as the winner of the last December polls was not accidental but a deliberate will of the people to effect change. Most didnt vote for you but rather voted for change. Gambians want home grown solutions for home grown problems. The more your administration shun the Gambian intelligentsia, the more you will be on a collusion course with chance and exploitation of the novice and neophytes. Finally, I want to remind you of two names that are becoming synonymous with the sideling of our intelligentsia. #Richard_Uku and #Moubarack_Lô. The former is your communication strategist and the latter  visited your office and even conducted  training on how to manage the Gambian Economy. Mr. President, once again, I want to register my dissatisfaction with such decisions as it is an affront to our national pride and dignity. Our country prides itself with world class professionals who can be the impetus for the much needed change we all want. It is UnGambian not to prioritise our nationals especially if they have the requisite tool kit to effect change. Lets have a rethink about our strategic objectives and put Gambia first.

Please accept my concerns with my highest consideration and esteem albeit that I am part of "we the people" and we the people are the underwriters of the change that brough about your presidency.  Gambians deserve a lot from our political class because we bank our hopes and dreams on your promises. Please we don't want to walk in the halls of development to cash in our cheque only to be told that we have insufficient funds. That will be a travesty and the likes of #SoloSandeng will roll in their graves saying thats not what I sacrificed for. We the people bargained for a brighter future backed by an equitable system with a just social contract.

For the Gambia, I remain ever true.

Prepared & written by;
Nyang Njie
Knowledge Bank Consortium GM

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