Saturday, 23 September 2017

Who Am I?

Hello world I am the Gambian economy. I am neither stupid nor retarded. I am in need of a jolt/shock of good macroeconomic dose and  some political confidence to get my wheels in motion. My consumer and investor expectations are waiting for that policy signal/direction from the exchequer and the Gambian in Chief.
I have been prostituted and decimated to tatters and I am in an urgent need of CPR for my resurrection and revitalization of my life line. My engine has been on full throttle since January 2017 but my wheels are locked and in need of good lubrication to get me in motion.
High ticket items on my bucket list to kick start the economy are Tax reform, fiscal consolidation, deeper monetary management and intermediation, Tourism, Agriculture and infrastructural reforms. These reforms need a face to articulate and champion their rationale. Who better to drive this process than our citizen in Chief. I am issuing a distress call on behalf of the sectors and the beloved people of the Gambia who rely on me for their daily bread. The energy deficiency also needs urgent attention on both the generation and transmission aspect of the business if my performance has to be stellar. All of these goodies once addressed will not  take Gambia far without a cultural reorientation and a resolute governance mechanism that promotes accountability and probity. Mr Gambian in Chief, our country is still at the crossroads of making history or returning to the dark days of stale growth and retardation. The choice of our trajectory is a collective endeavour  but it requires decisive leadership who treats me as a commonwealth not a fiefdom for wheeling and dealing. Nepotism and corruption have no place in our quest to start a fresh. Better late than never and a great good morning from the smiling coast that frowned for over 22 years. My love for you to excell must override the  narrowly defined personal interest and ambitions of my market participants and policy architects.

For the Gambia, I remain ever true as her diverse people's are yearning for better and brighter days to curb the malaise of the back way, Tribalism, Nepotism and above all Civic Apathy. My Gambia will prosper cos no obstacle will be a permanent fixture on my path as I strive to build a prosperous nation.  

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