Thursday, 18 December 2014

Cuba/United States relations- A step in the right direction

What a difference a day makes in politics. The Unites States for the longest time has employed a policy of containment and isolation regarding Cuba. The only visible US paraphernalia on the Island of Cuba was a deserted U.S. interest section housed by CIA operatives and Cuban dissidents masquerading as diplomats. The shores of South Florida and the Florida Keys are clearly visible from the Havana sky line and yet still, they were worlds apart. Most pundits of US-Cuba relations have been riding the tide of life waiting for the demise of Castro to engage the last frontier in the Western Hemisphere with the vestiges of the cold war. Barack Obama has gone where no other US president has gone by side stepping the “Prisoners Dilemma” in the Game theory which was basically the policy adopted by all his predecessors regarding Castro and his Island Nation. He has up the ante and any reversal of his declaration regarding the establishment of ties with the island nation will tantamount to the renewal of hostilities and this cannot be afforded by any administration.  

If Joe McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover were alive today, they would have considered Obama a communist sympathizer who deserves to be assassinated or impeached. The cold war is over and all relics of the cold war should be dismantled just like Ronald Reagan told Michael Gorbachev "Mr. Gorbachev! please tear this world down". A War of ideology and sphere of interest across the Florida Keys have taken a heavy toll on the Cuban populace. The Bay of Pigs, the Mariella boat lift and the frequent antics of Fidel Castro on the world stage made the Cubans resilient to outlive a sanction regime that has caused undue hardship to the Cubans. Barack Obama did the right thing by ending the collective punishment of a people who chose where their strategic interest resides. Humility and reasoning are the corner stone of leadership and Obama exude these traits. Ride on my African brother. Barack Obama is a tactful calculating leader who wants to open up America's sphere of influence and also re-brand America’s image outside the shores of the United States. America has been seen as the world police and he wants to demystify that assumption. It would have been unthinkable that an American President will encourage talks with nuclear Iran, attempt to close Gitmo, offer universal health care coverage and wage a fiscal war on the 2% of Americans whose tax obligations are not in line with their income. Like him or hate him, but he has change the course of US foreign policy by disengaging the United States from age old quagmires they found themselves in without tangible exit strategies. America now has to tread carefully in its engagement with the Havana establishment and avoid meddling in the internal affairs of the state of Cuba. It’s just a matter of time before Cubans demand for more individual rights and the Cuban exiles in South Florida are not the solution to Cuba’s problems. Cuba’s redemption will be home grown with the passage of time. The Castro’s are not new comers in global politics and they will cautiously manage the new relationship with their northern neighbor to smoothen the transition of multi party democracy.

Obama’s world view is different from any other US president and he owes this to his upbringing in Hawaii and Indonesia. Presidential historians have their plate full because he has far exceeded the expectation set forth by his critics and supporters. His book title "Audacity of hope" is clearly not an accident but a deliberate design by a young maverick who believed he can change the world and change he did. Kudos to him and the early Christmas present Santa delivered on his behalf across the Bering Straits to President Putin. Truly a smack on the face of an arrogant Putin who is currently embroiled in a multi-dimensional mishaps ranging from a crashing Ruble, Ukraine and falling energy prices which is the life line of Russia

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