Dear America,
write this letter of divorce with a heavy heart and disgust about the treatment
meted out on me by my dearest USA. Marriage is a union of mutual trust and understanding,
but our relationship has been turbulent to say the least and I have garnered
many scars that will forever haunt me. I was forced into this union violently
and I accepted my reality as a destitute in the new world and wedded for better
or for worse till death do us part.
I have nitpicked many a times about
the treatment you lashed out on my kindred and kin and often, you handed me a
pacifier to keep me cool. Yes you have given me “separate but equal” in “Plessy
v. Fergusson”, and I demanded better and you still handed me a sweetener in “Brown v. Board of Education”. I am now sick and tired of being
sick and tired like my dear daughter Rosa Parks once said. I have presented my
cheque to the custodian of justice for redress and it came back marked “insufficient
funds “. The halls of justice is not bankrupt but refuses to honor my
fair share of equality under American Jurisprudence. Lynching, forced labor,
discrimination, segregation, deprivation and sexual abuse are to name a few
ordeals I have encountered in my marriage with you. The straw that broke
the camel’s back had to do with the blatant murder of my grand children
(Micheal Brown & Eric Garner) by your trigger happy sons. The scales of justice are truly not color blind for you let them walk free and you had the audacity to jail my grand child Micheal Vick for maiming and abusing dogs. After all the atrocities you have committed
on my kin, what more do you want from me? You have failed me in the
dispensation of justice and the distribution of my share of the American Pie.
What an ungrateful husband you are for I have toiled the land, satisfied your
carnal appetite, and put delectable meals on your table whilst my off springs went
to bed hungry. Shame on your conscience for you have wronged me since my
abduction. I have calmed Nat Turner, Malcolm X, Khalid Muhammad who vowed to
deal with you head on for the mistreatment of their dear grandmother. I just want
my fair share of this land and the goodies it comes with. What a terrible
husband you have been.
The African American
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