A blog about Africa and Gambia in particular. It focuses on social commentary and public policy issues
Thursday, 27 April 2017
The Need For Transformative Leadership In The Gambia
Getting rid of the dreadful and terrible Butcher of Kanilai was a laudable feat and Gambians from all works of life need commendation for tackling our beast of burden head on. Gambians are now faced with the daunting task of building a nation as the political season has given way to serious work. The leadership quotient in the Gambia is deficient both in and out of the public space. The end of Jammeh should have been the beginning of sprawling of democratic incubators to save guard our democratic gains and consolidate the culture of participatory politics and governance. For this to take root, Gambia needs transformative leaders with foresight and vision to be futuristic yet grounded on core national values that cement our social bonds. Gambia need leaders that will not only conceive well thought out strategic blueprints but also package and market them to the polity. This new house called #NewGAMBIA needs master craftsmen and architects who dare to dream and for once, think outside the box with alternative development toolkits. I dare opine equivocally without hesitation with a high degree of certainty that the architects needed to design this new house called the new Gambia are yet to employ their creative prowess on the development drafting board. Every game has a half time and this administration though early can engage in a quarterly review to ascertain the efficacy of their plan of action. All hands must be on deck to build the marvel we all yearned for. Lets boost the leadership quotient by reshaping the civil service. After 21 years of management by auto pilot, most senior government employees have lost the trait to be self driven and initiators of ideas and programs. Secondly, I will opine without prejudice that what was left in the civil services during the last 8 years of the butcher's rule was not first rated calibre as the best and the brightest have either left for greener pastures or professionally liquidated by the butcher. This imply that the stock of human capital currently available to Barrow is not of high standard for the issues stated above and the fast track to the pinnacle of public service has also excercirbated the standards and quality of public officials. A lot need to done but it can only be done with transformative change driven leaders and champions who will advocate for the process of transformation. Good luck to the bonafide players in team Gambia in and out of the public sector. For the Gambia I remain ever true
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Get On With The Program or Shut Up
Now that the dust has settled can we collectively engage in rebuilding our shattered nation. The time for political bickering and haggling has past. The Gambia now needs all hands on deck to to kick start the much needed impetus to transform our economy.
The most urgent need is to re-equilliberate the fiscal imbalances inherent in our budgetary system. This administration need to swallow the bitter pill of austerity by down sizing government. Jammeh grew government without a justifiable rationale. The army, the police, immigration, prison warders and intelligence outfits needs restructuring. I am hopeful that our able Minister of Interior Hon. Mai Ahmad Fatty will spearhead the necessary reforms within our security services. The Civil service proper will also need fine tuning to maximise efficiency and service delivery.
The economy, yes the economy is in need of tactical reorganisation unlike the much talked about tactical alliance. The productive sectors of the economy are in dire straits and begs for policy reorientation for robust and sustainable economic growth. Tourism, Agriculture and Financial/Telecommunications services needs to be repositioned. Our former covetted position as the re-export hub of the sub region may not be regained but our economy has more to offer to offset the distortions created by such a loss. Time for a change in our primary agricultural export (peanuts). As the American saying goes "peanuts is Peanuts" so is our reliance on this cash crop for hard currency. We need to refocus our national resources into year round vegetable exports to Western Europe and the introduction of floriculture for the winter months in Western Europe. Poverty is no longer a circumstance but a deliberate man made choice and poverty alleviation should be our quest for the #NewGAMBIA. We need to choose progress over bickering. My grandfather #OJJALLOW will lead the charge for a new Agricultural revolution.
The Gambia boast of many Gambian expatriate professionals who can contribute towards the formulation of sectoral policies for a new blue print. What's left of Barrow's tenure must be duly utilised in the building of a solid foundation for the country that monster Jammeh destroyed.
Law enforcement and financial engineers must focus on recovering Jammeh's ill gotten gains and that of his proxies for the rackets and scams they orchestrated against the state. Tis the time for collaboration not disunity. What binds the Gambian social fabric is stronger than our political discords. I welcome all to the #NEWGAMBIAINITIATIVEWERE were substance and input is valued. For the Gambia I remain ever true. Let us rise above the pettiness and political jockeying. I am Gambian and my dear country needs me. What are you waiting? Profer solutions to the state not a heap of insults and innuendo.
The most urgent need is to re-equilliberate the fiscal imbalances inherent in our budgetary system. This administration need to swallow the bitter pill of austerity by down sizing government. Jammeh grew government without a justifiable rationale. The army, the police, immigration, prison warders and intelligence outfits needs restructuring. I am hopeful that our able Minister of Interior Hon. Mai Ahmad Fatty will spearhead the necessary reforms within our security services. The Civil service proper will also need fine tuning to maximise efficiency and service delivery.
The economy, yes the economy is in need of tactical reorganisation unlike the much talked about tactical alliance. The productive sectors of the economy are in dire straits and begs for policy reorientation for robust and sustainable economic growth. Tourism, Agriculture and Financial/Telecommunications services needs to be repositioned. Our former covetted position as the re-export hub of the sub region may not be regained but our economy has more to offer to offset the distortions created by such a loss. Time for a change in our primary agricultural export (peanuts). As the American saying goes "peanuts is Peanuts" so is our reliance on this cash crop for hard currency. We need to refocus our national resources into year round vegetable exports to Western Europe and the introduction of floriculture for the winter months in Western Europe. Poverty is no longer a circumstance but a deliberate man made choice and poverty alleviation should be our quest for the #NewGAMBIA. We need to choose progress over bickering. My grandfather #OJJALLOW will lead the charge for a new Agricultural revolution.
The Gambia boast of many Gambian expatriate professionals who can contribute towards the formulation of sectoral policies for a new blue print. What's left of Barrow's tenure must be duly utilised in the building of a solid foundation for the country that monster Jammeh destroyed.
Law enforcement and financial engineers must focus on recovering Jammeh's ill gotten gains and that of his proxies for the rackets and scams they orchestrated against the state. Tis the time for collaboration not disunity. What binds the Gambian social fabric is stronger than our political discords. I welcome all to the #NEWGAMBIAINITIATIVEWERE were substance and input is valued. For the Gambia I remain ever true. Let us rise above the pettiness and political jockeying. I am Gambian and my dear country needs me. What are you waiting? Profer solutions to the state not a heap of insults and innuendo.
Monday, 10 April 2017
Time For Serious Work
Now that the Rebulican calendar is set to be stacked with a pressing legislative and executive agenda, the Barrow administration MUST immediately embark on communicating with Gambians to manage their lofty expectations of the #NewGAMBIA. The work ahead is daunting and requires a concerted effort driven by a special interest agenda to kick start the economy, redress the wrongs of the past and wipe away cronyism and legalised corruption. The first proclamation of the new assembly must be a parliamentary enquiry into the business dealings of #MuhammadBazzi and his flimsy enterprises that milked this cash strapped economy unabated. I drove past the #BijiloForestPark and I was so mad looking at the overhead water reservoir erected by Bazzi. This man has no regard for our meagre resources or the financial well being of our dear nation. The water tank is sitting on metal that is not galvanised. The salty mist of the Atlantic Ocean have already corroded the bolts and nuts that keeps the structure intact. Secondly the tanks are not functional after the commissioning of such a substandard work. The 11 Mega watts at Kotu needs immediate scrutiny before further payments are made. Our New Gambia must be bold enough to take on the likes of Bazzi if not we will form citizen groups to disrupt any going concern he is involved in. We are not beast of burden for an inconnu to take us for a ride. Someone has to pay for the excesses accorded to him and his enterprises.
Once Dishonorable Ousman Sonko touches down on Gambian soil he needs to be processed to the very institution he belongs. His boss in Equatorial Guinea needs to be repatriated to face justice as the Criminal In Chief that master minded and orchestrated the killing machine that took Gambia by storm. The legislature otherwise called the people's house must be seen by their appointed proxies as taking care of business. Nothing less than an extensive inquest into the affairs of Bazzi will be accepted. Everything from the 65 million dollar syndicated payment. The justification, the officials who executed it. The valuation of the Depot. Any duty free arrangement, NAWEC payments and any other transaction. If not the public will place you on notice that through vigilanteism we will take care of it. Gambians are not willing to pay for monies that we know nothing about. Touma Njai on your mark, get set, GO. WE DEMAND FOR URGENT ACTION. TIME FOR ECONOMIC REDRESS
Once Dishonorable Ousman Sonko touches down on Gambian soil he needs to be processed to the very institution he belongs. His boss in Equatorial Guinea needs to be repatriated to face justice as the Criminal In Chief that master minded and orchestrated the killing machine that took Gambia by storm. The legislature otherwise called the people's house must be seen by their appointed proxies as taking care of business. Nothing less than an extensive inquest into the affairs of Bazzi will be accepted. Everything from the 65 million dollar syndicated payment. The justification, the officials who executed it. The valuation of the Depot. Any duty free arrangement, NAWEC payments and any other transaction. If not the public will place you on notice that through vigilanteism we will take care of it. Gambians are not willing to pay for monies that we know nothing about. Touma Njai on your mark, get set, GO. WE DEMAND FOR URGENT ACTION. TIME FOR ECONOMIC REDRESS
Africel is Undoubtedly the Biggest Employer in Gambia
Telecommunications has undoubtedly become the bread basket of the Gambia. The sector’s contribution is notably noticeable as the biggest contributor to GDP. No other sector has tackled the issue of unemployment as the budding telecommunication sector have. The government must not only engage the captains of industry but nurturing the growth and development of the sector as government's interest is adequately addressed by this sector. Consequently, Africell by virtue of its market size have by default become the biggest employer in the labor market. The definition of employment in my pretext is the provision of a gainful livelihood to an economic operator (Traders, shop keepers, hawkers, etc) and direct employees of Africel. Africell through its indirect sales channel economically engaged nothing less than 20,000 people. This is a statistic noteworthy of mention and recognition as the the driving force of this economy hinges on a trickle down approach where economic dividend filters to the bottom of the Pyramid to create sustainable livelihoods.
The potentials of this sector are yet untapped but it can only be realised if government look at sector participants as drivers of growth not net payers of taxes. Let us collectively build the economy one block at a time through constructive engagement and mutually beneficial public policy initiatives
The potentials of this sector are yet untapped but it can only be realised if government look at sector participants as drivers of growth not net payers of taxes. Let us collectively build the economy one block at a time through constructive engagement and mutually beneficial public policy initiatives
Monday, 3 April 2017
Is Government Hesitating To Terminate The MGI Contract?
Fixing the erroneous and wilful plunder of state resources must be of paramount and urgent interest to the new administration. That said, this administration has sufficient legal room to maneuver in terminating the MGI Gateway Contract. The termination of this contract will be the beginning of tidying a messed up telecommunications sector that was plaqued by Ineptitude and corruption at the policy level.
A contract simply cita generally gives consideration and equity to the parties but these principles must be underwritten in good faith. This principle in itself nullified the MGI contract as both parties ( Jammeh/Sanyang and MGI) conspired to defraud the public interest by ceding the proceeds of a public asset (gateway traffic) to an individual. The mere fact that MGI facilitated direct payments to an individual (Jammeh) triggered a cause for a violation of good faith.
Having seen a copy of the contract and the terms their in has made me questioned the wisdom of the sole signatory of the contract on behalf of Jammeh. Yes I deliberately spelt out Jammeh and not the state because the signatory didn't have mandate to sign nor was he a proxy by way of a power of attorney from competent and vested public officials such as the Minister of Finance, Attorney General or Chairman of Gamtel. Therefore his ink on that document was nother worth the paper he signed it on. As far as I know based on my understanding of the contract document, the state has less to fear in terms of a legal tussle emanating from an eventual severing of ties with MGI. Furthermore the government must present a claim for refund from MGI for non payment of gateway revenues over the period under review. MGI wilfully conspired and defrauded the state and that is considered stealing. The sooner the state can apprehend the public official who overstepped his bound by signing a document that was over and beyond his pay grade, the sooner we move closer to dealing with MGI. This saga amply demonstrated the professional decadence and disregard for procedures by Jammeh's bureaucratic henchmen.
The Government of the Gambia MUST be seen as dealing with economic delinquentsituation rather than giving them time to regroup or conveniently attempting to cover their tracks. I look forward to a Nawec inquiry, A tank farm inquiry and many others to neutralise the tropical gangsters that saw our beautiful country as free for all fiefdom.
A contract simply cita generally gives consideration and equity to the parties but these principles must be underwritten in good faith. This principle in itself nullified the MGI contract as both parties ( Jammeh/Sanyang and MGI) conspired to defraud the public interest by ceding the proceeds of a public asset (gateway traffic) to an individual. The mere fact that MGI facilitated direct payments to an individual (Jammeh) triggered a cause for a violation of good faith.
Having seen a copy of the contract and the terms their in has made me questioned the wisdom of the sole signatory of the contract on behalf of Jammeh. Yes I deliberately spelt out Jammeh and not the state because the signatory didn't have mandate to sign nor was he a proxy by way of a power of attorney from competent and vested public officials such as the Minister of Finance, Attorney General or Chairman of Gamtel. Therefore his ink on that document was nother worth the paper he signed it on. As far as I know based on my understanding of the contract document, the state has less to fear in terms of a legal tussle emanating from an eventual severing of ties with MGI. Furthermore the government must present a claim for refund from MGI for non payment of gateway revenues over the period under review. MGI wilfully conspired and defrauded the state and that is considered stealing. The sooner the state can apprehend the public official who overstepped his bound by signing a document that was over and beyond his pay grade, the sooner we move closer to dealing with MGI. This saga amply demonstrated the professional decadence and disregard for procedures by Jammeh's bureaucratic henchmen.
The Government of the Gambia MUST be seen as dealing with economic delinquentsituation rather than giving them time to regroup or conveniently attempting to cover their tracks. I look forward to a Nawec inquiry, A tank farm inquiry and many others to neutralise the tropical gangsters that saw our beautiful country as free for all fiefdom.
Saturday, 1 April 2017
Letter To My Government
Dear Government of the Gambia,
I write this letter as custodian of power which I cede to you via proxy to legislate, execute and dispense justice to maintain law and order, protect life and property and look after my general well being.
On the first of December 2016, I went to the polls to excercise my civic duty as an electorate. Gambians amply demonstrated their will and resolve for a new dispensation and the then Criminal in Chief and Butcher of Kanilai became the first Gambian who publicly announced that Gambians have Decided. His pronouncement effectively ushered in the third Republic. Gambians banked their hopes on this administration to right the wrongs of the past. By virtue of this Government being headed by a public sector neophyte albeit his access to seasoned bureacrats and technocrats, I chose to self restrain by waiting for the government to settle down before I voice out my expectations. As a bonafide citizen of the going concern called the Gambia, I will lay down my strategic vision and tactical approach to get going this sleeping giant up and running.
First of, the issue of politics need to be disassociated from administration.. As it will deter the aspirations of the polity in attaining the desired outcome of the decision we took to ouster the butcher. To whom much is given, much is expected and I am not expecting immediate results and or dividends from the administration at this point in time but I do expect a comprehensive strategic blueprint that will encompass all spheres of our development agenda including judicial, economic and political reforms. I want to know and I do believe I have the right to know the direction my administration wants to govern me.
On the issue of economic reforms, I will love to see my government spearhead a program of accelerate growth anchored around the concept of Economic Nationalism. This concept will empower local indigenes in filling the economic space as and where their competent lies. Our major international investors must be implored to have a local content in their investment vehicles. Gambians must be active participants in our quest to develop this country. Gone are the days when a good for nothing brief case investor can come to this country with the help of our sovereign debt instruments set up shop and exploit us by ripping off the economy. Well the #NewGAMBIA will not tolerate that and we will be the hounding dogs to call off such practices. Speaking of such practices, We want a speedy resolution and divorce of the MGI gateway arrangement. Government #MUST not be afraid to walk away from this contract as MGI has violated the sanctity of the contract by facilitating proceeds of a public resource (GATEWAY TRAFFIC) to an individual in the person of the Criminal In Chief, the #ButcherOfKanilai. This in itself calls for a termination and a formal request for refunds from both the Butcher and MGI as they are jointly and severally liable for such a blatant misuse of power and influence. On the same issue of economic plundering, the government once again must look into the business practices of #EAGL which in recent has morphed into an entity called #PETROGAS for reasons best known to them but the veil of corporate secrecy will not help them. EAGL has a lot to answer as it relates to the issue of fuel importation, pricing, taxation and financial structuring of their Special Project Vehicles. If government took part in guaranteeing their facilities I want to know what Government got in return and did it commensurate with the risk exposure government took. We have the knowledge and requisite subject matter expertise to get to the bottom of this fiasco by reverse engineering the very transactions executed by the agents and principals of EAGL and their sister companies and strategic partners. The very bravado they had to loot us will be the very bravado we will employ to not only bring them to book but teach them a lesson that Gambia will not be colonised twice and no one after the British will loot us unabated. I will see to it that this one sticks including possible collision with oil marketing companies on the management of duty free concession and the proper valuation of our Mandinari Tank Farm and who owes the government what as it relates to the sale of equity to public enterprises and development levy that was built in the price structures of the past. NAWEC"s relationship with #GMS and all major payout to any entity direct or indirectly related or with a vested interest to GMS will be scrutinised. I further want to bring to my government the issue of Carnegie Minerals. Carnegie Minerals are banking on repayment of their investments after going through international arbitration for a wrongful termination of their contract and harassment of their representatives/principal in the Gambia Mr Charlie North. I want to know what happened to the already processed stock pile of Zircon left behind by this company. Who sold it to whom and for how much. I want to know what happened to the equipment left behind by Carnegie. What was the arrangement going forward and where did we lodge the proceeds of the mining activities. Finally why was the extension and rehabilitation project of our pipe borne water and erection of water reservoirs given to an entity without the requisite skill set for such an assignment. Is the project satisfactorily completed and are the water tanks operational. The emphasis for this government must be #EconomicRestitution so that future cow boys will not take us for fools. Yes they dealt with a fool in the person of the Butcher of Kanilai but we saw these cow boys for what they were. Government must not be jittery about pouncing on them as they did a sloppy job covering their tracks. We must not worry about being sued because they will not have legs to stand on as they were willing participants in the grand scheme to loot Gambia orchestrated by Jammeh. Therefore, the lines are very blurred between Jammeh and the investment vehicles employed to scheme off the public interest.
In the judicial front we want the expeditious dispensation of justice for the victim families and survivors of the monstrous regime of Jammeh. No stone must be left unturned. Anyone found wanton must be prosecuted vigorously. We want zero tolerance from our judicial services. As a victim of Jammeh's land dispossession scheme, I want a fair compensation for the destruction of my property as he used state resources to illegally demolished my property for his personal gain. State workers and machinery were employed to effect his wish. Therefore I have recourse and locus standi to the state and I want to ask the government to give Cesar what is due to Cesar. I have never in my body of work advocated verbally or written for myself but the time has come to do so for myself and all other victims of Jammeh's wrath.
We want to see a legislative calendar filled with bills such as term limit reforms, freedom of information act. Mandatory public debt ceilings etc. Then and only then will I saw that my government is representing my aspirations as a Gambian. Public leadership is all about managing the expectations of the governed. I do not expect a miracle considering what has been inherited but I want to see a clear cut direction that will lead us somewhere productive and reform oriented with sustainable goals and attainable milestones. We will continue to have faith in this administration so long as they lead us to the right path. Finally, communication is a two way Street and silence is a part of consent. Therefore, we want more press briefings from the Presidency but please from competent staffers who can articulate government policy and position. God bless Gambia and our quest to build a new nation.
I write this letter as custodian of power which I cede to you via proxy to legislate, execute and dispense justice to maintain law and order, protect life and property and look after my general well being.
On the first of December 2016, I went to the polls to excercise my civic duty as an electorate. Gambians amply demonstrated their will and resolve for a new dispensation and the then Criminal in Chief and Butcher of Kanilai became the first Gambian who publicly announced that Gambians have Decided. His pronouncement effectively ushered in the third Republic. Gambians banked their hopes on this administration to right the wrongs of the past. By virtue of this Government being headed by a public sector neophyte albeit his access to seasoned bureacrats and technocrats, I chose to self restrain by waiting for the government to settle down before I voice out my expectations. As a bonafide citizen of the going concern called the Gambia, I will lay down my strategic vision and tactical approach to get going this sleeping giant up and running.
First of, the issue of politics need to be disassociated from administration.. As it will deter the aspirations of the polity in attaining the desired outcome of the decision we took to ouster the butcher. To whom much is given, much is expected and I am not expecting immediate results and or dividends from the administration at this point in time but I do expect a comprehensive strategic blueprint that will encompass all spheres of our development agenda including judicial, economic and political reforms. I want to know and I do believe I have the right to know the direction my administration wants to govern me.
On the issue of economic reforms, I will love to see my government spearhead a program of accelerate growth anchored around the concept of Economic Nationalism. This concept will empower local indigenes in filling the economic space as and where their competent lies. Our major international investors must be implored to have a local content in their investment vehicles. Gambians must be active participants in our quest to develop this country. Gone are the days when a good for nothing brief case investor can come to this country with the help of our sovereign debt instruments set up shop and exploit us by ripping off the economy. Well the #NewGAMBIA will not tolerate that and we will be the hounding dogs to call off such practices. Speaking of such practices, We want a speedy resolution and divorce of the MGI gateway arrangement. Government #MUST not be afraid to walk away from this contract as MGI has violated the sanctity of the contract by facilitating proceeds of a public resource (GATEWAY TRAFFIC) to an individual in the person of the Criminal In Chief, the #ButcherOfKanilai. This in itself calls for a termination and a formal request for refunds from both the Butcher and MGI as they are jointly and severally liable for such a blatant misuse of power and influence. On the same issue of economic plundering, the government once again must look into the business practices of #EAGL which in recent has morphed into an entity called #PETROGAS for reasons best known to them but the veil of corporate secrecy will not help them. EAGL has a lot to answer as it relates to the issue of fuel importation, pricing, taxation and financial structuring of their Special Project Vehicles. If government took part in guaranteeing their facilities I want to know what Government got in return and did it commensurate with the risk exposure government took. We have the knowledge and requisite subject matter expertise to get to the bottom of this fiasco by reverse engineering the very transactions executed by the agents and principals of EAGL and their sister companies and strategic partners. The very bravado they had to loot us will be the very bravado we will employ to not only bring them to book but teach them a lesson that Gambia will not be colonised twice and no one after the British will loot us unabated. I will see to it that this one sticks including possible collision with oil marketing companies on the management of duty free concession and the proper valuation of our Mandinari Tank Farm and who owes the government what as it relates to the sale of equity to public enterprises and development levy that was built in the price structures of the past. NAWEC"s relationship with #GMS and all major payout to any entity direct or indirectly related or with a vested interest to GMS will be scrutinised. I further want to bring to my government the issue of Carnegie Minerals. Carnegie Minerals are banking on repayment of their investments after going through international arbitration for a wrongful termination of their contract and harassment of their representatives/principal in the Gambia Mr Charlie North. I want to know what happened to the already processed stock pile of Zircon left behind by this company. Who sold it to whom and for how much. I want to know what happened to the equipment left behind by Carnegie. What was the arrangement going forward and where did we lodge the proceeds of the mining activities. Finally why was the extension and rehabilitation project of our pipe borne water and erection of water reservoirs given to an entity without the requisite skill set for such an assignment. Is the project satisfactorily completed and are the water tanks operational. The emphasis for this government must be #EconomicRestitution so that future cow boys will not take us for fools. Yes they dealt with a fool in the person of the Butcher of Kanilai but we saw these cow boys for what they were. Government must not be jittery about pouncing on them as they did a sloppy job covering their tracks. We must not worry about being sued because they will not have legs to stand on as they were willing participants in the grand scheme to loot Gambia orchestrated by Jammeh. Therefore, the lines are very blurred between Jammeh and the investment vehicles employed to scheme off the public interest.
In the judicial front we want the expeditious dispensation of justice for the victim families and survivors of the monstrous regime of Jammeh. No stone must be left unturned. Anyone found wanton must be prosecuted vigorously. We want zero tolerance from our judicial services. As a victim of Jammeh's land dispossession scheme, I want a fair compensation for the destruction of my property as he used state resources to illegally demolished my property for his personal gain. State workers and machinery were employed to effect his wish. Therefore I have recourse and locus standi to the state and I want to ask the government to give Cesar what is due to Cesar. I have never in my body of work advocated verbally or written for myself but the time has come to do so for myself and all other victims of Jammeh's wrath.
We want to see a legislative calendar filled with bills such as term limit reforms, freedom of information act. Mandatory public debt ceilings etc. Then and only then will I saw that my government is representing my aspirations as a Gambian. Public leadership is all about managing the expectations of the governed. I do not expect a miracle considering what has been inherited but I want to see a clear cut direction that will lead us somewhere productive and reform oriented with sustainable goals and attainable milestones. We will continue to have faith in this administration so long as they lead us to the right path. Finally, communication is a two way Street and silence is a part of consent. Therefore, we want more press briefings from the Presidency but please from competent staffers who can articulate government policy and position. God bless Gambia and our quest to build a new nation.
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