Thursday, 27 April 2017

The Need For Transformative Leadership In The Gambia

Getting rid of the dreadful and terrible Butcher of Kanilai was a laudable feat and Gambians from all works of life need commendation for tackling our beast of burden head on. Gambians are now faced with the daunting task of building a nation as the political season has given way to serious work. The leadership quotient in the Gambia is deficient both in and out of the public space. The end of Jammeh should have been the beginning of sprawling of democratic incubators to save guard our democratic gains and consolidate the culture of participatory politics and governance. For this to take root, Gambia needs transformative leaders with foresight and vision to be futuristic yet grounded on core national values that cement our social bonds. Gambia need leaders that will not only conceive well thought out strategic blueprints but also package and market them to the polity. This new house called #NewGAMBIA needs master craftsmen and architects who dare to dream and for once, think outside the box with alternative development toolkits. I dare opine equivocally without hesitation with a high degree of certainty that the architects needed to design this new house called the new Gambia are yet to  employ their creative prowess on the development drafting board. Every game has a half time and this administration though early can engage in a quarterly review to ascertain the efficacy of their plan of action. All hands must be on deck to build the marvel we all yearned for. Lets boost the leadership quotient by reshaping the civil service. After 21 years of management by auto pilot, most senior government employees have lost the trait to be self driven and initiators of ideas and programs. Secondly, I will opine without prejudice that what was left in the civil services during the last 8 years of the butcher's rule was not first rated calibre as the best and the brightest have either left for greener pastures or professionally liquidated by the butcher. This imply that the stock of human capital currently available to Barrow is not of high standard for the issues stated above and the fast track to the pinnacle of public service has also excercirbated the standards and quality of public officials. A lot need to done but it can only be done with transformative change driven leaders and champions who will advocate for the process of transformation. Good luck to the bonafide players in team Gambia in and out of the public sector. For the Gambia I remain ever true

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