Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Get On With The Program or Shut Up

Now that the dust has settled can we collectively engage in rebuilding our shattered nation. The time for political bickering and haggling has past. The Gambia now needs all hands on deck to to kick start the much needed impetus to transform our economy.

The most urgent need is to re-equilliberate the fiscal imbalances inherent in our budgetary system. This administration need to swallow the bitter pill of austerity by down sizing government. Jammeh grew government without a justifiable rationale. The army, the police, immigration, prison warders and intelligence outfits needs restructuring. I am hopeful that our able Minister of Interior Hon. Mai Ahmad Fatty will spearhead the necessary reforms within our security services. The Civil service proper will also need fine tuning to maximise efficiency and service delivery.

The economy, yes the economy is in need of tactical reorganisation unlike the much talked about tactical alliance. The productive sectors of the economy are in dire straits and begs for policy reorientation for robust and sustainable economic growth. Tourism, Agriculture and Financial/Telecommunications  services needs to be repositioned. Our former covetted position as the re-export hub of the sub region may not be regained but our economy has more to offer to offset the distortions created by such a loss. Time for a change in our primary agricultural export (peanuts). As the American saying goes "peanuts is Peanuts" so is our reliance on this cash crop for hard currency. We need to refocus our national resources into year round vegetable exports to Western Europe and the introduction of floriculture for the winter months in Western Europe. Poverty is no longer a circumstance but a deliberate man made choice and poverty alleviation should be our quest for the #NewGAMBIA. We need to choose progress over bickering. My grandfather #OJJALLOW will lead the charge for a new Agricultural revolution.

The Gambia boast of many Gambian expatriate professionals who can contribute towards the formulation of sectoral policies for a new blue print. What's left of Barrow's tenure must be duly utilised in the building of a solid foundation for the country that monster Jammeh destroyed.

Law enforcement and financial engineers must focus on recovering Jammeh's ill gotten gains and that of his proxies for the rackets and scams they orchestrated against the state. Tis the time for collaboration not disunity. What binds the Gambian social fabric is stronger than our political discords.  I welcome all to the #NEWGAMBIAINITIATIVEWERE were substance and input is valued. For the Gambia I remain ever true. Let us rise above the pettiness and political jockeying. I am Gambian and my dear country needs me. What are you waiting? Profer solutions to the state not a heap of insults and innuendo.


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